First they came to enlist the girls, but I was not a girl, so I remained silent. Then they came for the gays, but ...

Cishets formerly known as BSA scoutmasters celebrate the rebranding of therz organization’s rebirth and rebranding as The “neurodivergent multi-bigenderism phophoo dance club”

The organization adopted the new name, Scouting America, on its 115th anniversary, "marking a pivotal moment in the organization’s journey," according to a statement released Saturday.

The shift comes after a recent policy change in 2018, allowing girls to join the program. The organization began allowing gay youth in 2013 and ended a blanket ban on gay adult leaders in 2015. 

Looking at the timeline here, my headline is inaccurate so far as it refers to the order in which the BSA deteriorated: first, they came for the gays, in 2013; then in 2015 they brought in gay scoutmasters to minister to the needs of those gay boys (and any of their friends who were “looking for adventure of a new and different kind” — sooie!); and not until 2018 were perzons identifying as grlz and wimin brought in to replenish the scout’s mysteriously dwindling ranks and afford an opportunity for scouts and leaders of all genderish persuasions to explore different avenues of amusement. Regardless of who brought up the rear, however, the result was the same: no more Boy Scouts; it’s surprising they lasted as long as they did.