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State Farm Fires Executive After What He Told an Undercover Reporter

Some idiot spilled the beans to an O’Keefe reporter (how does he keep finding these morons?)

A State Farm insurance executive has been fired after he blasted Los Angeles fire victims and told an undercover O’Keefe Media Group journalist that the company discriminates against white people in its hiring.

“I personally, I task my HR team, finding me… the perfect profile of the workforce of the future,” Haden Kirkpatrick, the former Vice President of Innovation and Venture Capital at State Farm, says in the recording. “I want the 2040 workforce. So go find me the demographic profile of America in 2040: more Hispanic and Latinos.”

Kirkpatrick also criticized California fire victims for their “egos building in a f***ing desert.”

OMG’s James O’Keefe summarizes the conversation:

“People want to build in areas where they want to have, like, natural areas around them for their ego. But it’s also a f*ing desert. And so, it dries out as a tinderbox.” He also acknowledged that wildfires in these areas are not surprising to insurance professionals, claiming, “Climate change is pushing these seasons.” He explained, “If you’re an insurance professional, it’s predictable.” 

Kirkpatrick also admitted that State Farm’s decision to pull out of the California insurance market was a calculated move in response to financial concerns and state regulations: “Our people look at this and say, ‘Sh*t, we’ve got, like, maybe $5 billion that we’re short if something happens.’” He revealed, “We’ll go to the Department of Insurance and say, ‘We’re overexposed here, you have to let us catch up our rate.’ And they’ll say, ‘Nah.’ And we’ll say, ‘Okay, then we are going to cancel these policies.’” 

State Farm, which previously covered over a million homeowners in California, provided insurance against fire, theft, and other damages. However, their decision to withdraw coverage has left thousands of residents without financial protection following devastating wildfires. “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” except for the Californians now facing the aftermath of destruction without insurance coverage.

Following the exposé, State Farm terminated Kirkpatrick and issued the following statement to O'Keefe:

Does anyone doubt that State Farm is enmeshed in the entire DEI scheme, including hiring and promoting? In the Peoples Republic of Cali? I don’t.

And it’s a fact that State Farm left the state after California’s insurance regulators turned down the company’s request for a rate hike sufficient to cover what everyone know will be catastrophic losses, and it’s a fact that the cost of wildfires has soared as people have spread into previously empty wildfire zones that burn regularly: Californian’s have always described their weather as divided into “drought, fire and flood seasons”, long before the global warming hoax got started.

The fact that this former executive buys into the global warming story is irrelevant: State Farm and the other property insurers in the Golden State are facing disaster, and the eco-nuts and “consumer advocates” are simply whistling past the graveyard.

That’ll work until it doesn’t.